Getting Started

Data Intelligence Services

At Adaptive, we aim to provide a streamlined, efficient process to ensure your business gets the benefit from our services in under 90 days. Whether you are a small business new to Data Intelligence or a larger enterprise looking for customization and advanced support, we've got you covered. Here's what you can expect when you begin your journey with us:

Your first step towards leveraging our data expertise is to get in touch. Fill out our Contact Form or email us and provide us with some basic information about your company and your Data needs. This will help us prepare for our initial consultation with you. We'll schedule a 30 minute call and we should be able to determine if there is a fit.

Our Proposals

Once we get through the initial call, we will scope out the creation of a proposal which typically includes the following:

  • Statement Of Work The statement of work isa formal document that captures and defines the work activities, deliverables, a vendor or service provider will execute in performance of specified work for a client. The statement of work helps ensure that everyone involved has a clear, shared understanding of what is expected.
  • Acceptance Test Procedure.The ATP is a step-by-step process that identifies the specific criteria or conditions that they system must meet, describing the tests that will need to be performed to verify that the criteria have been met. It clearly specificies the expected result for each test and details how and when the testing will be conducted including any special equipment or software that may be required.
  • Budget and Timeline. With a detailed statement of work and acceptance test, we've done a large segment of the work and then we create the piece everyone wants which is the budget and the proposed timeline.

We believe that the best relationships are built on transparency and open communication, and we want you to feel comfortable and confident in our process right from the start.

No Charge for Initial Consultation

We understand that choosing a Data consultant is a significant decision for your business. That's why we offer the initial consultation at no charge. We want to give you the opportunity to get to know us, understand our approach, and decide if we're the right fit for your business without any financial commitment.

When you're ready to take the first step towards maximizing the potential of Data for your business, we're here to help. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation. We look forward to partnering with you on your Data journey.